The GPT Group has existing office assets in Parramatta, including the newly completed 32 Smith Street tower and Eclipse Tower at 60 Station Street. The GPT Group (‘GPT’) has announced that architecture firm Bates Smart has won a design excellence competition for a 57-level office tower at 91 George Street Parramatta, to be developed by GPT for the GPT Wholesale Office Fund.
GPT’s Head of Development, Office, Jamie Nelson said: “Parramatta is strategically important to the future employment and economic growth of New South Wales. As the second largest and fastest growing city in New South Wales, Parramatta has the opportunity to benefit from significant private investment on the back of the State Government’s once in a generation infrastructure investment, that includes the Westconnex motorway, Parramatta light rail, Sydney Metro West and Western Sydney Airport projects.”
GPT’s Project Director, Mo Rengaswamy said: “We are delighted to be collaborating with Bates Smart on this exciting project, as we develop a high quality and sustainable office tower set within the historic context of Perth House in the Parramatta CBD. We are confident that Bates Smart’s design will create a unique offering that will be sought after by both tenants and the community with this new landmark precinct.”
Bates Smart Director, Philip Vivian said: “Our design carefully considers its place in the local history, culture and environment to set a new architectural precedent for Parramatta. The tower will be surrounded by a riverine garden and a publicly accessible landscape square with diverse food and beverage offerings for office workers and the local community to enjoy. Operable bi-fold doors will open up the building to the outside environment to allow for natural ventilation, combining nature and architecture.
“The proposed design enables the tower’s façade to lean outwards, creating a comfortable mix of light and shade over the landscape square, with sides of the tower that will also cantilever over the ground plane. We have sought to capture the protection, comfort and human scale created by the surrounding historic spaces in a contemporary interpretation on a high-rise tower.”
The design of the tower is also anchored in place-specific characteristics of Burramattagal Country, which has and will continue to be an important First Nations inclusion for the design and development of the tower. The architects and development teams will continue to collaborate and consult with the local Traditional Owners on the design of the precinct.
The project will bring together sustainability and high quality development, with a target for the office tower to be operating as carbon neutral upon completion.
A planning application for the project is expected to be submitted in the coming months.
For more information, please contact:
Penny Berger
Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs
The GPT Group
T: +61 402 079 955