The GPT Group is committed to providing exceptional service but understands that issues may arise that impact our stakeholders including our customers, investors, people, tenants, supply chain, and our broader industry and community networks.
We are here to help you find solutions and aim to address concerns swiftly, fairly, and consistently. We follow established protocols for managing complaints about our products and services and prioritise timely responses to all stakeholders.
The procedures for making and managing the different types of complaints at GPT are set out below.
1. Investor (financial services) complaints
GPT has an Investor Complaints Handling Policy which sets out in detail how investor complaints are managed. A summary of the process is set out below.
1.1 GPT Group (ASX: GPT) Investor Complaints
The GPT Group (GPT or the Group) comprises GPT Management Holdings Limited and General Property Trust (Scheme). GPT RE Limited (GPTRE) (ABN 27 107 426 504 | AFSL 286 511) is the responsible entity of the Scheme. GPT’s stapled securities are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).
If you are an investor or securityholder in GPT Group (ASX: GPT) and you have a complaint about your investment, your main point of contact is MUFG Pension and Market Services (MUFG), GPT’s Registry service provider and Securityholder Service Centre. Complaints can also be directed to GPT’s Complaint Management Officer. The contact details are below.
MUFG Pension and Market Services
Mail: GPT Security Registrar, Locked Bag A14,
Sydney South NSW 1235
Phone: 1800 025 095
Fax: 02 9287 0303
GPT Complaint Management Officer
Mail: Complaint Management Officer, GPT Group, Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 02 8239 3555
Fax: 02 9225 9318
Retail investor complaint process
If you are an investor in the GPT Group (ASX: GPT) we will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 24 hours, or as soon as practicable after it is received. We will endeavour to resolve your complaint in 5 business days, or we will provide you with a written internal dispute resolution (IDR) response setting out the final outcome of your matter. Other than if your matter is particularly complex, we will provide you with the IDR response letter within 30 calendar days after receipt of your complaint. If there is a delay, we will provide you with a letter notifying you of the details and the reason for the delay. On finalisation of the review into your complaint, we will provide you with a final letter that sets out the outcome of your matter.
Not satisfied?
If you are an investor in GPT Group (ASX: GPT) and you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you can refer your complaint to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA is a registered external complaints resolution service of which GPT RE Limited is a member. AFCA’s role is to provide you with a free and independent assessment of your complaint. AFCA’s contact details are below:
Australian Financial Complaints Authority
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3, Melbourne, Victoria 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call within Australia)
1.2 GPT Wholesale Fund Investors
GPT Funds Management Limited (ABN 74 115 026 545 | AFSL 298 248 )(GPTFM) is the Responsible Entity of:
• GPT Wholesale Office Fund No 1 | leasingOnline - GPT Office Wholesale Fund No 2
• GPT Shopping Centre Fund No 1 | leasingOnline - GPT Shopping Centre Fund No 2
and is committed to responding to investor complaints in a fair, timely and efficient manner to maintain the trust and confidence of our investors. All complaints should be referred to the GPT Complaint Management Officer in the first instance on the contact details below:
GPT Complaints Management Officer
Mail: Complaint Management Officer, GPT Group
Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 02 8239 3555
Fax: 02 9225 9318
GPTFM is a member of AFCA. AFCA’s contact details are below:
Mail: Australian Financial Complaints Authority
GPO Box 3, Melbourne, Victoria 3001
Phone: 1800 931 678 (free call within Australia)
GPT has established guidelines and procedures for dealing with complaints received from:
• Tenants and their employees
• Customers of or visitors to GPT owned assets
• Community stakeholders; and
You can contact us through our online enquiry form or by emailing us at:
GPT has established guidelines and procedures for dealing with embedded network complaints. These guidelines and procedures ensure that complaints are dealt with fairly, effectively and efficiently.
CleanPeak Energy has been appointed as the supplier of GPT’s embedded network operations services. CleanPeak Energy should be the main point of contact for embedded network customers to make tenant account enquiries.
CleanPeak Energy
Mail: Complaints Officer, Clean Peak Energy,
Level 9, 213 Miller Street
North Sydney NSW 2060
Phone: 1300 411 912
GPT Embedded Network Officer
Mail: Embedded Network Officer, GPT Group, Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 02 8239 3724
Supplier or contractor Complaints relating to the procurement process, purchasing activity or supply chain modern slavery-related matters must be directed to the Head of Procurement. The contact details are below:
GPT Head of Procurement
Mail: Head of Procurement, GPT Group
Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 02 8239 3555
Fax: 02 9225 9318
Please refer to GPT’s Privacy Policy for detailed information on how to lodge a privacy complaint. In any instance GPT’s Privacy Officer should be contacted.
GPT Privacy Officer
Mail: Privacy Officer, GPT Group
Level 51, 25 Martin Place, Sydney NSW 2000
Phone: 02 8239 3555
Fax: 02 9225 9318
Alternatively, you can refer your privacy-related complaint to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner. The contact details are:
Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
Mail: Office of the Australian Information Commissioner
GPO Box 2999, Canberra ACT 2601, Australia
Phone: 1300 363 992
Fax: 02 9284 9666
Employment-related complaints are managed in accordance with the terms of GPT’s Grievance Policy which is available to employees on GPT’s intranet.
GPT is committed to high standards of conduct and ethics. Eligible individuals, including GPT employees, contractors, suppliers, and their relatives, are encouraged to report suspected misconduct. A copy of GPT’s Whistleblower Policy can be found here.
To make a whistleblower disclosure, individuals can contact the Whistleblower Program via email at or use the independent provider Your Call.
Your Call
Phone: 1300 790 228 between 9am and midnight (AEST), Monday to Friday
If you are deaf or have a speech impairment: you can contact Your Call by choosing your contact method at and request Your Call’s hotline 1300 790 228.
GPT always welcomes feedback and suggestions for improvement from our stakeholders. You can contact us through our online enquiry form or by emailing us at: