Funds Management

 GPT Overview
Funds Management Overview

GPT Funds Management Overview

The GPT Group’s Funds Management platform is focused on the Australian retail and office sectors, providing the ability to enhance returns and the growth profile of the Group, while leveraging the skills and experience of GPT's team. 

The Group's Funds Management platform provides GPT with an important source of income through funds management, property management and development management fees. In addition, the platform provides GPT investors with access to a steady income stream through a significant co-investment in the Group's Funds Management platform. 

GPT Wholesale Office Fund
GPT Wholesale Office Fund (GWOF)

The GPT Wholesale Office Fund provides investors with exposure to high quality office assets, located in Australia's major office markets.

The Fund was launched in July 2006 with a portfolio of $2.2 billion of quality office assets located across Australia's major office markets. Since inception, GWOF has progressively grown, increasing the diversity and scale of the fund.

At 30 June 2024, the Fund had ownership interests in 21 assets with a value of $8.7 billion located across Australia's CBD office markets.

GPT Wholesale Shopping Centre Fund
GPT Wholesale Shopping Centre Fund (GWSCF)

The GPT Wholesale Shopping Centre Fund provides investors with exposure to quality Australian retail assets.

The Fund was established in March 2007 with a $1.9 billion portfolio consisting of interests in eight retail assets located in New South Wales and Victoria.

At 30 June 2025 the Fund had ownership interests in 5 high quality retail assets with a value of $3.5 billion.