The GPT Group (‘GPT’ or ‘Group’) today announced the release of its third Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) which is the Group’s second Stretch RAP, officially endorsed by Reconciliation Australia. As a recognised member of the RAP network, the plan outlines GPT’s formal commitments to reconciliation with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia.
Key priorities for the 2023-2026 Stretch RAP include:
- Strengthening partnership activities to support greater First Nations employment and growth of First Nations businesses.
- Annual review of the First Nations Inclusion Strategy including the Cultural Learning Plan, to ensure GPT maintains a culturally safe workplace.
- Embed formal partnerships in placemaking activities, to ensure assets are culturally safe places and reflect First Nations voices.
- Increase investment in First Nations businesses and ensure this supports sustainable business growth.
GPT collaborated with two Western Australian artists to create a unique artwork used throughout its Stretch RAP. Lowell Hunter, a proud Nyul Nyul Saltwater man from The Kimberley and Bobbi Lockyer, a proud Ngarluma, Kariyarra, Nyul Nyul and Yawuru woman from Kariyarra Country in Port Hedland, worked together to create “Saltwater Spirit”. The artwork invites people to appreciate the richness and beauty of the land, fostering a deep understanding of First Nations culture, community, and the vital connection to a sustainable future.
Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director at GPT, Bob Johnston, said: “We recognise that First Nations engagement is an important human rights responsibility for GPT, and the
RAP framework provides us with measurable objectives to increase our accountability and
contributions to reconciliation. We remain committed to listening, learning and taking action to meaningfully advance reconciliation in Australia. At GPT, we believe genuine interest and action enables positive, sustainable change.”
Chief Executive Officer at Reconciliation Australia, Karen Mundine, said: “ I congratulate The GPT Group on its formal commitment to reconciliation, as it implements its second Stretch RAP. GPT is continuing the work it started in its previous RAPs, using its position to model reconciliation to its suppliers and industry, while also elevating the visibility of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures in the environments it creates.”
GPT second Stretch RAP can be found here.
For more information, please contact:
Penny Berger
Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Affairs
The GPT Group
T: +61 402 079 955
Grant Taylor
Group External Communications Manager
The GPT Group
T: +61 403 772 123