Awards and Ratings


Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI)

GPT participated in the Australia Workplace Equality Index, the definitive national benchmark on LGBTI workplace inclusion.

Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI)

GPT participated in the Australia Workplace Equality Index, the definitive national benchmark on LGBTI workplace inclusion.


GPT maintained Green Star (top quartile) status in the Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark (GRESB), which assesses the sustainability performance of real estate portfolios around the globe. GPT has held this position since the inception of the benchmark.


GPT was ranked second globally in the 2016/17 Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). GPT has been the DJSI’s Global Real Estate Industry Leader for four of the past eight years.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 2015/16

GPT was named the second most sustainable real estate company globally by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), achieving the highest score among property companies in the ‘environmental dimension’ of the survey. The Group's overall ranking was in the top 1% of real estate companies internationally.

Global Real Estate Sustainability Benchmark - Regional Sector Leader

GPT was named the 2015 GRESB Regional Sector Leader for Diversified – Retail and Office. The Group also achieved the second highest ranking internationally in this category. More broadly, GPT and its managed funds have remained in the top performance quadrant, known as ‘Green Stars’ in GRESB, for the past five years.

ICSC Global Awards

GPT was awarded two silver places in the International Council of Shopping Centres (ICSC) Asia Pacific Shopping Centre Awards in the Traditional Marketing and Design & Development categories. The awards recognise excellence within the region's shopping centre industry.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 2014/15 - Number 1 globally

GPT was named the most sustainable real estate company in the world in 2014 by the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI), for the fourth time in the past six years.

Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) 2013/14

GPT was ranked in the top 1% of global real estate companies in 2013 on the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). GPT’s total weighted score was 88, ranking the Group second by one point behind the leader’s score of 89. Of the past five years, GPT has been rated global sustainability leader by the DJSI three times and has been in the top two both other years.

2012 Green Globe Awards

- Energy Award winner – for best energy efficiency strategy
- Business Sustainability Award winner – for best business sustainability strategy
- Built Environment Sustainability Award winner – for GPT's work environment

2012 ICSC Asia Pacific Shopping Centre Awards

GPT's Charlestown Square development wins Gold for Sustainable Design and Silver for Overall Design in the 2012 ICSC's Asia Pacific Shopping Centre Awards.

2011 International Council of Shopping Centre's Asia Pacific Shopping Centre Awards

The GPT Group was awarded silver in the Cause Related Marketing category for its Magic of Growth program at the International Council of Shopping Centre's 2011 Asia Pacific Shopping Centre Awards.
The Magic of Growth program is now a globally recognised partnership between GPT and the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Foundation.